Monday, December 10, 2007

How to avoid doing what I need to be doing

I'm feeling a bit stressed. Too much work to do and not enough time to do it. I remind myself that I will no doubt manage to complete all necessary tasks in a timely fashion, but nonetheless, I'm feeling overwhelmed and tired. I'm also feeling stupid because some of the stress is self-imposed. I said "yes" to helping someone with a project when I should have said no. (Note to my Blogami: Yes, I know that I have an unhealthy desire to please and that's what landed me here.)

However, rather than wallow in my despair, I've decided to engage in a little meme that I found in Mia's journal. Okay, truth is that I've already completed my wallowing and now I need something to amuse me and to ensure that I thoroughly satisfy my procrastination gene's appetite.

Following are the rules. There are always rules. Did you think that there woudn't be rules?

Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following ... they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up! You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. Let me know if you're playing so I can click over to your journal and read your answers.

What is your name - Sheria

 4 Letter Word - slut (it's a term of endearment used as a greeting between me and my dear friend of some 30 years, as in, "Hello slut, have you been behaving yourself?" Caution: If your mother, who sounds just like you on the telephone, is visiting, don't let her answer the phone.)

Vehicle  squad car (I've ridden in one. Don't go there, my dad was a police officer.) 

City Seville (Oh to be in the south of Spain!)

Boy Name - Sebastian

Girl Name - Salome    

Alcoholic Drink Scarlett O'Hara

Occupation -Sailor

Something you wear Silk

Celebrity Sidney Poitier

Food - Samosas

Something found in a bathroom   soap

Reason for Being Late super hero (I'm secretly a super hero and I never know when I'll have to take a few moments to save the world.)

Cartoon Character Sylvester the Cat

Something You Shout  Sweet cheeks! (You shout what you want to and I'll shout what I want to!)


Animal snow leopard

Body part shin

Word to describe you sassy

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Anonymous said...

laughing very, very hard about the four letter word! And, yes, it would be wise to beat your mom to the phone when she visits. LOL! That's priceless.

Thanks for playing along. It does help reduce stress.  :-)

Take care!
Mia ~

Anonymous said...

That was worth it for the discovery of South Fayette & Neighbors magazine.  How did I ever make it this far in life without knowing about LUPEC? (Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails.)
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you didn't click on "Scarlett O'hara"

Anonymous said...

These memes are always fun to do and also fun to read!  Yours was no exception.  Smiling now over the four letter word.  :-)

Anonymous said...

Slut huh? As I said in a comment in your last entry, I don't know what you look like............etc. You are painting a picture for me (gasps!)........... I am liking it  too ;-)
Gaz xxxx

Anonymous said...

I have an unhealthy desire to please my Dad because I love him so much & know no one else is there for him; I really do take it too far at times. Other people? NOPE.  I find that many of the people who need to be "pleased" have a tendency toward histrionic behavior & the more we do for them the more they freakin' want anyway. No Thanks.
For what it is worth, you come to my journal, disagree with me & do it well & in such an insightful way that I like you more. ~Mary