Sunday, August 26, 2007

War and Rumors of War

I recently visited Carly's journal where she had an entry entitled You Look Marvelous. She included a picture of President Bush and her text amused me. She had received a couple of comments expressing their disagreement with her assessment of the president's performance and I left her a comment indicating my agreement with her point of view. To read Carly's original post, follow the link above. Following is my comment to Carly:
I agree with you. I love the "coo-coo for coco puffs crazy!" I can't stop laughing. I was a teenager doing (during) the Vietnam War and I had friends who died in the war and others who came back so emotionally damaged that they never were the same. I don't understand how anyone could think that we should have stayed in that war. We never had a practical strategy for how to win the war and we had no exit strategy. Sounds familiar, huh? I read the other comments and I don't respect their opinions, not unless they are willing to strap on military hardward, climb on a plane, and go to Iraq to support this "good" president.
Today, I received an email from the author of one of the comments who took issue with my comment in Carly's journal. Following is the comment that she had left in Carly's journal prior to my visit.

I totally disagree with your opinion of him, and find it more and more disheartening that people think it's ok to belittle him, but then ask for prayers for him it seems rather contradictory. He's not perfect, but neither am I..the difference is I don't have the whole world judging me on every word I say and every decision I make. Most of us will NEVER know that kind of pressure and stress, yet those who take on this job will never be able to explain that all the ugliness and stress they go through with this job.

Not so long ago, the American public actually respected the position of this job, too bad it's not still that way. Doesn't mean we can't disagree withOUR President, but to show it some respect would be nice.

I give President Bush kudo's for being able tocontinue to stand up for what he believes, even when it goes against the popular opinion, most would have folded a long time ago. Of course the majority of American's are happy to sit in their living room and listened to what the MSM aka LIBERAL media shoves down their throats and take it as the God's honest truth, when quite often it's full of lies and injustice.

My comment was in response to Carly's post and only peripherally to the comments. I wasn't really addressing the comments as much as letting Carly know that I supported her point of view. However, in hindsight, I understand why my comment would not be well received by the others. Following is the email that I received today from one of the commenters.

You commented in Carly's journal and I could be wrong, but figured your comments were towards my comment..My HUSBAND is in the Army and HAS went to war not once, but TWICE so far and we know he'll be going again.So maybe I'm not personally the one as you said "strapping on the military hardware, climbing on a plane, and going to Iraq" but the love of my life has and does, and I stay home, support him, raise our children and teaching them to be proud of their Daddy, Love Jesus, and Respect those who deserve and earn respect. So I DO respect OUR President, even after having my husband away from our family twice for THIS war, which if all you do is watch the liberal media and read the liberal newspapers (which is the majority of National Papers and almost every news affiliate except for Fox..then you're simply getting fed what the liberals want you to know), you get about 1/8 of what is ACTUALLY happening in Iraq and Afganistan. We've lost more friends than I like by far, yet their deaths ARE NOT in VAIN. I just showed this to my husband and he said he's so sick and tired of people who make comments like yours. As he said, it's NOT support, it's the opposite..but what's he know...he's just a SOLDIER. The WAR is not about supporting our President, supporting our President, praying for him, realizing that he's a HUMAN being...and remembering that he did NOT send us to WAR...but's time the American public remembered their's takes an ACT OF CONGRESS to declare war, and THEY DID!
I respect that her husband is in the military and has seen combat duty.  I felt that she deserved a thoughtful response from me. When I was done with my response, I decided to share it here. I have provided you with the background to provide some context for my piece. I've been in a rather flippant mood as of late, and most of my posts have been for amusement. But as some of you who have been with me for a while know, I don't believe in pulling punches about issues that I feel matter. I don't much care for labels, but there are some that I wear proudly, with no apologies--liberal, feminist, supporter of human rights, believer in justice--to name a few. Following is my response to the email that I received.

You are entitled to your opinion, but no one, not even the so-called liberal media tells me what to think. My opinions are based on my own observations and beliefs. The beauty of this country is that each of us is entitled to express our opinions because of a little document called the Constitution of the United States. You don't have to agree with me but neither do I have to agree with you. If we are only allowed to have the same opinions, then what does this freedom that we are allegedly fighting for really mean?

Bush is just a man who was elected, by some of the people, to the office of president. I don't think that he is doing a very good job in fulfilling the duties of that office.  I am not awed by any human being, regardless of his or her title. In my book, respect has to be earned; I don't confer respect on anyone just because of his/her office or position. I don't respect George W. Bush because I think that he has betrayed and abused the office of the president. I don't expect you to agree but if you believe that you have a right to tell me what I may believe, then it doesn't seem to me that you have much respect for the principles of freedom of speech that this country espouses in its constitution.

September 11 was a horrific attack on this country and I was just as saddened as any other person in this country. But, in spite of the war in Iraq, the main person responsible for orchestrating 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, has never been captured. There were no weapons of destruction in Iraq, even the president has publicly conceded that. In spite of the beliefs of many Americans, Saddam Hussein was not behind 9/11. Again, the president and Congress have made that clear. The death toll to American soldiers has been high, and there have also been Iraqi civilian deaths numbering in the thousands, men, women, and children who have been innocent victims of this war. Many of our military leaders have publicly questioned the wisdom of this war.

By the way, there was no declaration of war by Congress in Vietnam nor has there been one in Iraq. Both conflicts were military engagements authorized by congress, but stopped short of being official declarations of war. Our last official declaration of war under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution was WWII. It's a minor point; people are still dying. Please don't take my word regarding the declaration of war, look it up for yourself on the Internet, or call your congressman's office or ask any member of the military leadership.

What I'm tired of is people at home sending men off to die in a war that our leadership has no executable plan for ending. I respect your husband; he is in danger and I do not blame the soldiers fighting this war for the policy mistakes of our leaders. I pray that he and all the other soldiers return safe and unharmed to their loved ones. I pray for the president and for congress, that they may use wisdom and temperance in making their decisions. But when I pray, I can't help but think that many of the people in Iraq must be praying too. No doubt, mothers and fathers pray for their children, wives pray for their husbands; the Iraqi people pray to God, whether they call Him Allah or by some other name, they pray to the Creator. I also cannot help but think that the Creator of all things is saddened to watch us continually engage in war with one another. I don't believe that God chooses sides; we are all God's children, so most of all, I pray for an end to war; I pray for peace.



Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you! I think it is so hard for some to believe that our president  is anything other than a good man because the truth is so hard to accept. Reality can really bite and when they think of what their loved ones are really dying for, well............

Anonymous said...

The points that you made in your e-mail were clear, concise and so very well put that all I can say is Amen!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and thank you for putting so clearly!!

Anonymous said...

Its late here on this holiday weekend. I have read and re read comments on this page and on Carly's blog too.
Two simple things come to mind here. Firstly, President Bush does look good in his photograph. He is a fine specimen of a man......... Most people who have duped the public over time in our history, have had looks on their side. If Bush had one eye and buck teeth and the face of a mad man, would we have trusted him? Look how many good looking celebraties our children have looked up to, that have let us down.
Secondly, we hear the same story in the UK. The armed forces that are engadged in Iraq come from all over the world. All are soldiers in their own countries. They chose to do this job. If they come home a hero, it's a job well done. If they come home dead, it's because it's a war they didn't want to fight..... Go figure, you are a soldier right?.
I think our 'lads' do a brilliant job, but this is not a war where they had to go because they were called up...... They chose to to go where the the war was because of their job

Anonymous said...

Sheri, I just finished a comment similar to yours in response to an article where the person seemed to take it upon themselves to know I could only feel the way I do as a result of the "liberal" media. The words spoken fell quite close to some of the comments of the soldier's wife. I have reached a point of disgust with folks who allow only their way of thinking as the only possible way one should feel. For some reason while they espouse the greatness of the constitution it becomes apparent it fills only their needs. As Far as respect for the Office of the President as far as I am concerned George Bush has disrespected the office greatly and merits little respect from thinking people. Others have their right to pray for him as I do but I give him no excuse for the mockery he has made of the office and will not let up on his massive errors. Of course he is only a man but within me I am sure I have teens in my neighborhood who could be more honest and forthright while serving as president.

I agree with both yours and Carly's comments.


Anonymous said...

Neither was the Korean "conflict."  Last I heard, anyway.

People are still people.  Those who lead likely do need more prayers, but it doesn't mean he (or she) is infallible.  Even while I respect the position current Pres. Bush holds, I have never liked him nor agree with many of his policies and declarations, etc.  (Heck, I don't know of a single person who couldn't use some prayers.)

I have nothing against the men and women in service to our country and our world.  I can still disagree with this particular use of our nation's services.  And our people, our sons and daughters and brothers and sisters.  And, yes, I've had family in the military also, from my late uncle who died as a teenaged POW in Korea, to my father and stepfather and stepbrother and cousins (one in Vietnam, who blessedly returned).

I do hope that we never become a nation where people can't feel free to express themselves, politely, sure, appropriately, sure, but express it.

I'll try to get back to Carly's journal when I ahve more time.  Thanks:)

Anonymous said...

This is the comment I left in Carly's journal:
Do you know how many wars are waged on religion alone? It comes to the point it's not about believing in God or who's right. It's based on principles, knowing when to say enough. Actually believing and serving your fellow man as an equal is a wonderful principle. I no longer have faith in a presidency that seems a government of one, instead of for the people , of the people. I'm not talking about giving in to popularity vote, I'm talking about morals. Realizing throwing life away on a war that can't be won is demoralizing and enough is enough. It's no longer amusing to see someone take a stand , just because of the title they hold they can. Take a stand for something that is right, give your country back something to believe in. I for one don't believe in this war, I've been calling it the 2nd Vietnam for some time now.

As for Vietnam.....I have an Uncle who was given the purple heart who died there.
Later on men who served with him told us the truth of his death......My uncle had two children here at home, he saw woman and children slaughtered in Vietnam daily. His own bullets had added to those numbers. In the end he could only think of his children at home and couldn't live with himself and turned his own gun on himself. How many woman and children are dying on both sides of this war between 9/11 and Iraq? (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

As aways a very concise and well written and thought out entry!  Great music as always!  Still working on mine!

Anonymous said...

There are very few people left who haven't yet come to realization that W is an inept, dishonest simpleton.  28 % of the country still thinks we'll find weapons of mass destruction in that desert.  These people watch Fox News and believe the propaganda.  "Liberal media"?  No such thing.  Not anymore.


Anonymous said...

Guiltily I usually hide any and
all favorable thoughts about
GW.  How weird it feels, too,
that handled correctly Saddam
Hussein, it now appears, might
have become an ally if we'd
fully understood the magnitude
of his impossible task of keeping
peace with the many branches of Islam
in Iraq. We forget, also,  that Iran and Iraq,
recently fought a war for EIGHT
years. Millions died. Now WE have
to take on Iran; I'd prefer that
Hussein do the job. Let's dig
him up.


Anonymous said...

Sheria my friend, when a fine, open mind such as yours is compelled to set forth personal views on either religion or politics (in this case a horrid mixture - warring over a country's culture which is based in religious tenets) then you know to expect detractors, even haters.  I have experience here - don't like seeing it happen to a friend.  I respect your ability to defend and voice your views, may you never lose that quality.  Nice hearing Tracy too!  xoxo CATHY  

Anonymous said...

New colours, a new look, I like it.

Anonymous said...

A very thoughtful entry with the presentation of comments and opinions coming from entirely different points of view.  I think your point is well taken and I am glad you wrote this provocative entry.  I have always been against war, never for it, but I could certainly understand World War II in which so many of my uncles fought (one died).  I endorsed and voted for Bush because of the Republican platform that is pro life (do not believe in bloodshed as a solution).  But I was so dismayed because I thought he jumped the gun on declaring war.  A preemptive strike!  That was bound to come back and haunt him.  I thought Kerry spoke spoke such strong words after he had come out against the viet Nam war, when it came to invading Kuwait,  said You have to think how many young men who will be wounded and burned and maimed for life and will die when you go to war.  I thought he was so right, but there was such a wave of indignation rising in the land over 9/11, that I think Bush was able to ressurect what I thought was old idea that his father had not done enough by not going all the way to Bagdad in the Gulf war.  This was a time when a President's individual good sense had to surface, and in Bush's case I think he had a shallow grasp of what he was going to be faced with after he invaded and bombed Iraq. This was what he wanted to do, which is why you might say he is responsible for the war in Iraq. Gerry    

Anonymous said...

Sheria, just wanted to let you know I have tagged you in a game over in my journal.  Come have a look to find out what you've been tagged with!

Anonymous said...

My goodness your blog is a
work of art. Perhaps you have
more than one, another for
everyday use? (g) I'll admit
I tend to forget that Congress
declared war, not GW. Who
lied to whom will remain unknown
I guess.
