Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Can't Simply Let It Pass

"mikeova 02:37:38 PM Mar 13 2008 And you left wing jerks wonder why there is hatred for these B sons of a Bitches. There will be a revoution one day!"

Dear Bigot:

I guess that I'm what you would consider a left wing jerk; however, I don't wonder why there is anger and hatred towards these men. People who murder people generally do not inspire love; hate is a pretty normal reaction to the perpetrators of these vicious crimes. What I wonder is what the actions of these individuals have to do with their skin color?

So much of the commentary on the AOL News stories, regardless of the subject matter of the story, always includes multiple comments about how stupid, evil, vicious, worthless, etc. black people are. I wonder what level of insecurity and anger exists in the hearts of so many people that they are quick to assert that an entire race of people are responsible for the crimes of individuals who happen to belong to that group. I wonder is this belief coming from a soul filled with hate or just plain ignorance. I wonder if you really believe that all white people are intelligent, kind, loving, and only do good things.

Maybe I'm just a left wing jerk, but it never crossed my mind to conclude that all white men are incapable of being faithful to their wives because Spitzer, Clinton, Gingrich, Larry Craig, and others were unable to keep their pants zipped. I've never concluded that all white people are power hungry conquerors based on the tendency of the European explorers to subdue and often eradicate the native cultures in the lands that they "discovered" in the Americas. Although I do confess to being puzzled as to how you discover a land that is already inhabited. It's as if someone came into the neighborhood where I live and pronounced that it had been discovered because he was new to the area.

I know that the people who celebrate their marriage of ignorance and bigotry, won't get my point at all. They will continue to find any excuse to shout about the awful things that black people do and how Sharpton and Jackson fan the fires of so-called black racism. They will continue to insist that the liberal left aids and abets blacks in walking all over the rights of white people.

I have a suggestion for you. Due to generations of miscegenation, many people who identify themselves as black appear to be white based on external physical characteristics. If you are really convinced that black people get over in America, that there are unfair advantages to being black, that black racism is a powerful force that threatens the white race, why don't you get your slice of the pie and start telling everyone that you are black?


Left Wing Jerk Liberal Feminist Black Woman


Anonymous said...

Excellent response Sheria unfortunately it won't even touch the surface, and I'll tell you why, your Black and intelligent, educated, and they won't believe that you would dare to suggest that they are anything but upright citizens of their community, and you get the "finger wagging in your face and how dare you talk to me like that" I've been on the recieving end of that many times, however I never leave until I've got my message across and leave them in no doubt that my intelligence is much greater than theirs and with me personally they will not win the argument EVER

Two in one night sheria great stuff

Take care


Anonymous said...

Of course you're dead on, of course it won't make a dent. These are people brought up to fear, and arguing with a racist is like arguing with a fundamentalist.  They aren't interested in rational arguments, they reject the idea of rationality because they can't bear to challenge the explanations, however illogical, they have created to deal with a personal world in which pain and frustration are their dominant emotions.
When it comes to the fundies and the gayhaters and the racists, I think the only thing that makes sense is showing as much love as possible--to their children. Kids who make friends with an actual black person, or see how harmless the gay couple across the street or on TV actually is---there is hope for them. For their parents, I just want laws to protect me from them, but the change we hope from them must come from within. Nothing I can say will penetrate. They need 5 years of intensive therapy and completely different childhoods, not to mention 4 years of liberal arts education and a gay sibling. That is beyond my  control to give them. It's all I can do not to bitchslap them while screaming at  the top of my lungs, or even taking advantage of my 2nd amendment rights to shut them up permanently. THIS is really the chance to ask, WWJD, not WWMD.

Anonymous said...

haha good response Sheria!  It's too bad that the type of people you are writing about are largely too ignorant to really get the point.  I fear it would go completely above their empty little heads!

Anonymous said...

good response, but, unfortunately, those who need it most, will not get it...will not see it...and would never admit it.

Anonymous said...

I hear you loud and clear. I often read news stories on the web. and wonder about the people who leave comments. So many times what they have written has nothing whatsoever to do with the story at hand or the comment is filled with such down right racism that it makes me sick on a whole other level. I am learning that these message boards are filled with people who hide behind their PC and I think would never openly say some of the rude,crude and hate filled remarks that they seem to be so comfortable leaving because they feel safe crawling out from under their rocks to write them and then slithering back when they are done  with no one ever knowing who they are.

Anonymous said...

My friend, you probably need to stop reading the comments on AOL news stories. I've commented elsewhere about the astounding ignorance of some of the comments. I will read one of the stories, and start reading the comments, and after reading 3 or so, I'm thinking, "What am I doing? Stop reading this crap!"

For all the intelligent and thoughtful writings we see in the journals, there is an infinite number of nasty, stupid comments on the AOL stories. Not all...there are a precious few voices of reason...but mostly, it's just JUNK. You know that, right? So separate the wheat from the chaff and read the stuff that matters.


P.S. I wrote recently about my Mom's feelings about Senator Obama. I was stunned...and delighted.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being chosen as Guest Editor's Pick. Well done. Love Pam xx

Anonymous said...

I have been shocked at some raciest comments left on AOL News stories, wondering where these people came from.  And if this was some kind of norm I did not know about.  I read the Arizona Republic every day and of course such comments are not printed. Comments that seem to be printed a lot more freely on the Intrenet where presumably first come first served.  You have responded well, and I can understand why you would feel disturbed and angry at seeing too many of these remarks. I don't like to live too muc in a news milieu like this so don't usually read the comments and pursue the stories further in my daily newspaper  The trouble is how can you get your response out there to these people.  Seems like some of them are just waiting to jump on any story with a negative racist comment. Course I dont think they are the sort of people who are going to let rational thinking like yours penetrate. Too many closed minded bigoted people still live in this country!  Gerry

Anonymous said...

I saw a journal recently, don't have the link, where this person claimed that Barack Obama was going to destroy our country!  I didn't even dignify this racist idiot with a response.  I find people like this get their jollies out of showing all of us how stupid, ignorant and completely racist they can be!  I just came over to congratulate you on being a guest editor's pick!  -Dawn-

Anonymous said...

I love your response, but I also love the comments. I agree with Beth. Sheria I think you are way too inteligent to read the comments on AOL's news pages. If I did I would be wondering round in a state of permanent appaplexy!
Stick to reading Diary of a podgy poof, it gives you the right perspective on life and a laugh too ;-)
If I was there now, I would give you the biggest hug ever. You are such an amazing woman, but then I bet you here that everyday!
Gaz xxxx

Anonymous said...

Like you I've been down this road before and can't let it pass either. After questioning why I waste time responding to those who refuse to understand or simply will not understand I have come to the conclusion that I must do that. I must post another view. I must keep pointing out the rediculousness and ignorance of some people. The reason I must post a response even though I am sure the minds of those who write such trash will not be changed is so another point of view will be heard.

Thank you so much.