Monday, February 4, 2008

Yes We Can Can

Among my favorite singing groups are the Pointer Sisters. My all time favorite Pointer Sisters' song is "I Want a Lover with a Slow Hand." However, this post is not about that song. I can't type and fan myself at the same time. My friend SG sent me a link to a video on YouTube that made me think of another song by the Pointer Sisters, Yes We Can Can.

I know we can make it. I know darn well we can work it out. Oh yes we can, I know we can can Yes we can can, why can't we? If we wanna get together we can work it out.

I love the rhythm of the song; I like to sing along and dance about the room when it is playing. It's a feel good song with a feel good message about our ability to make the time that we borrow to spend on this planet meaningful. When I watched the video on YouTube that my friend sent me, I felt the same urge to sing along and dance around the room.

It is a unique production, a new, original music video that takes its subject from an ongoing presidential campaign. The frontman and a founding member of a contemporary group, Black Eyed Peas, who goes by the moniker of, was inspired by Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign and in particular by his speech following the primary in New Hampshire to create a song that utilizes Sen. Obama's words. was ably assisted in producing the video by another young man, Jesse Dylan, a director and a filmmaker, and yeah, he's the son of that other Dylan who characterized another age of change.

The list of performers in the video is extensive and includes familiar faces from the entertainment industry, but what made me take notice of the video were the words of Sen. Obama. His words inspire me and I feel a sense of optimism that we can do better. I believe that we can eliminate homelessness and poverty. I believe that we can ensure that no person in this country is without full access to quality healthcare. I believe that all children can learn and that public schools can ensure that every child receives a quality education. I believe that all nations can learn to live in harmony and that war can become extinct. I believe that we can, yes we can can.


Anonymous said...

Firstly and inspirational song thanks for sharing, also The pointer sisters were a fantastic group thanks fro bringing back great memories and Slow Hand is a classic, plus I always wanted to meet a man with slow hands now where's that fan whew


Anonymous said...

You we can, but will we?  I read about the rain forests going even faster than then worst estimates, I fear that is but one example of events having gone too far past any human  attempts to rectify them.  
Still, we sure can give it a try, and I will most definitively be pulling the lever for Barkie the O-man tomorrow.  I just don't want everyone to blame him when the world goes haywire anyway.  The strongest bandaid can only do so much for a gaping wound.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring indeed! Yes We Can! I don't know how, but I know we can... we need the nation to back him up, though, to make it work. Billions and billions of dollars are spent on the space program each year... seems like some of that could be redirected to building more schools and making class sizes smaller so the student/teacher ratio can be reduced. We don't spend near enough on schools. And health care... all children need health care, and their parents do, so everyone needs health care... free or at a reduced cost. I loved the video, putting his words to music. I know we can make the changes, but how... I'd like to hear the specifics. bea

Anonymous said...

Indigo suggested your site to me, because I'm also quite interested in Obama's message of hope. If you haven't read it, his book, The Audacity of Hope, is excellent, and while many dismiss his message as insubstantial, I believe that hope is a good thing and very much worth cultivating.

I haven't totally made up my mind who I will vote for in the fall...but I will say that I hope Obama is the Democratic nominee.

All my best,

Anonymous said...

That's a mighty powerful video.  It would be nice to think that the American people would do all the things this video suggests and under this man's leadership.  We will see.  Hope is not a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

I do wish I could have heard all the words on this good video but I couldn't get the sound up high enough...never mind I am behind the sentiment of the words I am sure.   I don't know all that much about the USA sytems but I do know that I am glad that I live in a country where there is a great health service FREE for all at any time.  few years ago we had a horrendous situation in the US when my nephew in law collapsed while on holiday...much to long a story for on here but to say that it ruined my sister's life for ever is not to string a statement... So I am praying that Obama will continue to go all the way to the Whitehouse.  Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

I echo some of Sybils words below.  The health issues in the states need addressing promptly.
I would be horrified if Hilary Clinton with all her and her husband's machinations and manipulations got into the White House.

America needs a change, not because Obama is a blackAmerican, but because he wants to make American's live that dream for themselves and make those changes that they all deserve at long last.  
The Clinton's want it for themselves.  And will get it any way the can by hook or by crook.
I enjoyed the video.
Jeanie xxx

Anonymous said...

ya know...that's how i've come to think of you a lot....singing and dancing in your home.  you are delightful.  :)  very inspiring entry.

Anonymous said...

We could all use a message of hope these days dear one...I only "Hope" a change is truly in the wind.

I've always imagined you singing and dancing a little jig as you went about your day. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't even have speakers, but I LOVE this one!  I got it this a.m., and I didn't know what the words were (it's no closed captioned sigh).  SO THOSE are the faces I'm seeing.

Yes, we can.

We can unite.

We can change.

We can hope.

We can VOTE.  All messages Barack Obama's been sending out, and he has this video link on his website now, btw, also, but I didn't know this particular background on it.

He is inspiring.  I'm actually for thee first time EVER going to an event tonight to watch primary results.  INSTEAD of my full dance class and an outing with friends even.  As my die-hard Republican friend says, "He's eloquent without opening his mouth."

Awesome video, too:)  Yes, we can can.  Dag, I want to HEAR it now.

Anonymous said...

He truly is a leader of all. I have been following this on our TV here. I just hope America has the courage to vote for him. My fingers are crossed for us all, not just for the American Nation. I am sorry to say, that I don't think enough have the conviction to vote him in.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I stopped by, by way of yasmin to say Congratulations on your award thats on her journal. Love Pam xx

Anonymous said...

I love this song.  It is inspiring.  Obama reminds me in looks of my grandson, Jamal, now tall and slender with such grace and such a beautiful smile.  Seeing Obama is like seeing my beloved grandchild doing exciting and inspiring things.  I was his other parent until Jamal was five and now he has a great dad who adopted him, but his biological dad was from Sudan, and everytime I see anything about Sudan I have to stop and read it.  His father would be from the Arabic section of blacks from Khartoum who have been so at odds with the southern Sudanese. I can almost recognize facial characteristics of these Sudanese. Jamal has an Arabic cast to his nose, so it would be harder for me to spot Khartoum Sudanese but I met quite a few of his friends who were appalled at how Moborak reacted to the pregnancy and birth of his son.  (not good)  I have been devouring with great interest all the details about Obama's life!  Gerry