Monday, September 11, 2006

Much Ado About Survivor

Can't sleep so I just finished reading comments about Survivor's new ratings gimmick--dividing the tribes by race/ethnicity.

Please explain to me how it is racism to divide the teams into groups based on race/ethnicity? I'm a 51 year old black female born and raced in the south and I've seen my share of bigotry, prejudice and racism. This is not my idea of racism. To the contrary, Survivor will be the first of the reality shows to have more than one or two token people of color on a show. The odds that the winner will be a person of color are considerably increased from past seasons, 75% of the contestants are people of color. As anyone who watches the show regularly knows, while intial competition is among tribes, eventually, everyone who is left is merged into a single tribe and competition is on an individual basis.

More importantly, it's only a game! It's not intended to address issues of race in this country; it's designed to attract viewers. I don't feel insulted or discriminated against because Survivor has come up with what may be it's greatest ratings gimmick ever. I look forward to watching the show and may the best player win, regardless of race or ethnicity!

PS Another vice exposed! In addition to being shallow, I'm also addicted to Survivor and Big Brother.

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