Friday, September 29, 2006

campaign strategy

Warning: I'm talking about politics again.  I'm sorry.  I know that I promised to be shallow and self absorbed in my postings but I keep reading the news.  I can't begin to compete with the shallowness and self absorption demonstrated by President Bush and the US Congress.

On Thursday, by 65-34 vote (one cowardly soul stayed home), the Senate endorsed President Bush's toughness on terrorism legislation.  Twelve Democrats joined 53 Republicans in supporting the undermining of civil liberties in the US.  One Republic joined the dissenting Democrats.

It's all pretty simple.  Elections are coming up soon and being tough on terrorism makes for a swell campaign slogan.  Opposing the terror/ detainee legislation means that you are an unprincipled lover of terrorism and anti-American.  A good American, one worthy of being elected or re-elected to public office is: (1) vocal in his/her toughness on terrorism; (2) supportive of legislation that allows subjective judgment on the part of the office of the president as to the detainment and prosecution of alleged terrorists; and (3) perfectly comfortable with suspending the protections against unlawful imprisonment in the US Constitution.

May God save us all from the good Americans in Washington.

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