Monday, November 19, 2007

Don't believe everything that you read

The following entry is a creative writing meme generated by my friend Marc. You select characteristics based on your date of birth and write a journal entry using those characteristics. For instance, based on my birthday, my persona is named Lurleen, she's living in the middle east and a love affair plays some major role in her life. If you want to try the meme for yourself (it's a great creative writing exercise) check out the details in Marc's journal.

Sorry that I haven't written in a while, but I've had to move again. I really liked the little town I was living in but Omar got wind of where I was, so I packed up my stuff and took off again.

I suppose that I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself. I can just hear my mama's voice saying, "Lurleen, you can't move half-way around the world to be with some man you met on that damn computer." In 52 years I've never been able to do anything right in that woman's eyes. Lucky for me, she doesn't even know how to turn on a computer, so she'll never read this. Lord knows, if she did, I'd never hear the end of it.

Thank y'all for all the kind words and I appreciate the prayers too.  It's not all bad, Qatar is a beautiful country; although it's kind of small, about the size of Connecticut, sort of limits your places to hide. Pretty much everybody here has jobs and you don't have to pay any income tax! I'm working for a nice family, teaching the mother and her two daughters how to speak English. LOL, in yesterday's lesson I taught them the many uses of "y'all."

I've gone over and over it in my mind, thinking what I could have done differently. I did that whole guided communication thing with Omar on I thought that we had gotten to know each other pretty well. Of course, just because a man says that he loves you, doesn't mean that he does. Hmm, I think I've got a potential country song lyric in there somewhere.

Maybe I should have realized that he was serious about wanting children. I definitely should have done a better job of hiding my American drivers license. All that fuss just because I was a few years older than what I said on my profile. I look good for my age and I've been told by lots of folks that I don't look a day over 30. Why would a 60 year old man want to raise a passel of children any way?

I've been here 14 months and at least I've made a few friends. My heart is still broken; I really loved that man. Friends tell me that he's still a bit upset with me for lying about my age, so I guess I won't be calling him on the phone any time soon.

If you are reading this and you know my mama, please don't tell her anything. The last thing I need is her calling me up and screaming, "I told you so" in my ear.


Anonymous said...

Sherie, do I have the name right.
You really had me going with that entry. My first reaction was who are you and how did I get you on my alerts. I did not recall hearign about your flight from Omar and why you were in a foreign country teaching English.
I do not think you explained the purpose of the entry except for readers of Marc's journal. If a stranger wanders onto this journal you may get some weird reactions or proposals.
Have a nice Thanksgiving. Bill

Anonymous said...

Wow! You had me going for a while there. I was scratching my head and trying to figure what happened. Apparently the article worked. Perhpas I'll try it.


Anonymous said...

Are you listening to "Many Rivers To Cross" most of us girls take a few years off whats the harm, like you said at 60 who wants to raise children, it's a shame you had to move. Hopefully we'll get to see you in Journals Chat.

Take Care



Anonymous said...

Ain't a lick of sense to you staying in that country when you're not even with the man you went there for. Yes, this is your Mama, and no I haven't learned out to use the computer so Little Jessie is typing this for me.  Yes, I want to take a hide to you for not listening to me but more than that I'm thankful you're not ending up in a sequel to "Not Without My Daughter" which I saw last night on Lifetime, which is what would have happened if you were young enough to have kids with Omar and he would have taken them to Irakistan and then wouldn't your heart have been broken. So if you need some money just wire me and I'll get Ricky to send you something, it's not like he's been paying rent here. You're still my little girl and I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Lurleen!!! You played her well... like you really knew someone like her in your life... loved the details... I'll go check out the meme. I am so curious as to how you got the name Lurleen, but you played her to a "T"  Definitely, yore a comedian on the side... so if lawyurn' don't do it fer ya, jest get yourself on stage for a spale (spell)!!! bea

Anonymous said...

Damn, I was going to do what Marc did, play Mama, but he did it better than I would have anyway!
For someone having to live life with Mama & the name Lurleen she seems to have emerged miraculously unscathed. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this little story Sheria and I enjoyed the other comments as well, especially those from your mama!  HAHA.  Great fun!  Am off tocheck out your friend's page!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.  Especially as the first part that showed up for me was the creative writing piece itself, and I"m thinking, Omar?  Who's Omar?  You had to MOVE, again?!  Yikes.  lol

Apparently it was effective:)  I liked how you threw in the "y'all" lesson.  lol

Anonymous said...

yes indeedie are a writer!!  i loved it.  i also liked 'mama's' response.  lol

Anonymous said...

You know I read this twice beofre I got it. I was like when did you move to Qatar??? I must be going mad!
Gaz ;-)