Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Tale Continues

Beth over at Nutwood Junction has continued the tale of the Contesse and the mysterious Emma Marston (click the link to follow the tale). This is so much fun, sort of like the serialized novels of Dickens' day. Thank you Marc for such creative inspiration.

Marc has modified his Hy-Art illlustration for the story to better represent Mrs. Emma Marston.


Anonymous said...

Love it! I'm thinking that Emma Marston is the lady on the left, and the Contesse is the woman on the right. But perhaps not! They could be the opposite!

Fun stuff, and thanks Marc and Sheria--I can't wait to see what happens next....


Anonymous said...

Widow Marston is looking lovely and languid in that black silk dress, but not very mournful. I'm off to read the next chapter. Ta-ta, m'dear! bea

Anonymous said...

That is really cool.....

Anonymous said...

You really did a wonderful job with your portion of the story. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it. My writing skills are not up to par.

Anonymous said...

What's the bird in the black got stuck on her boobs?
Gaz ;-)
Talk about bring it down to earth!